Drug Awareness Education

Drug Awareness Education

Welcome to the Drug Awareness Education Hub, where we prioritize equipping our community with essential knowledge about the dangers of drugs and substance abuse. Our Drug-Free-Living Video Library features 13 high-quality programs, each 20 to 25 minutes, designed to educate youngsters about how dangerous using drugs can be. From methamphetamine to alcohol, our videos help them understand the truth about these often lethal substances. Let’s work together to help our young people understand the dangers of drugs and substances of abuse.

See for yourself, sign up for our Drug Awareness Education Videos with a 7-day FREE TRIAL.

Drug Awareness Education Program Listings

Drug Awareness Education

One Family’s BattleA young man fights to free himself from heroin. Perfect for motivation, intervention, and prevention. 24:20 (Audience 10+)

Drug Awareness Education

Who Will Cry for Our Children – Drug babies show us what drugs do and what we can do to stop them. Perfect for motivation, intervention, and prevention. 24:15 (Audience 10+)

Drug Awareness Education

K2-Spice, A Nightmare Without End – True stories about teens using synthetic marijuana. Perfect for intervention and prevention. Graphic content. 20:33 (Audience 14+)

Drug Awareness Education

Crank County – A comprehensive look at the disaster of methamphetamine. Perfect for motivation, intervention, and prevention. 24:23 (Audience 12+)

Rx to Die For -Tells why prescription drugs are dangerous. Perfect for intervention and prevention. 22:19 (Audience 10+) 

Last Call – Sobering Truth About Drinking & Pregnancy – A preventable birth defect. Perfect for motivation, intervention, and prevention.  22:40 (Audience 10+)

The New Marijuana – What’s the difference between the marijuana of the 60s and the 70s and today’s marijuana? Perfect for intervention and prevention. 21:55 (Audience 10+)

Up Against the Stem, Addicted to Marijuana – Teens about marijuana affected their lives. Perfect for intervention and prevention. 22:26 (Audience 10+) 

A Different Night for Josh, It Can Happen to You – How a community tries to save a young man. Perfect for intervention, prevention, and motivation. 22:31 (Audience 10+)

Club Drugs – Why do so many people believe that rave drugs are safe? Are they? Perfect for prevention and intervention. 22:28 (Audience 10+)

Saturday Night High – Five teens discover the consequences of underage drinking. Perfect for prevention and intervention. 27:02 (Audience 10+) 

Target Teen – A tobacco company executive wants to get teens hooked on cigarettes. Perfect for prevention, intervention, and motivation. 26:32 (Audience 10+) 

Kickin’ Butts – How to Put Out Your Last Cigarette – A quitter’s real-life success story. Perfect for intervention and prevention. 21:55 (Audience 10+)

Time is of the essence! Help us break the cycle of misinformation and save our youth from the allure of drugs. Sign up now for our Drug Awareness Education Videos with a 7-day FREE TRIAL. Let’s erase the misconception that 62% of high school kids find drugs ‘cool.’ Act now, educate with no regrets, and make a lasting impact on our community’s future.

Drug Awareness Education Works!

One Family’s Battle is about a young man who became addicted to heroin. It tells how he tried to quit 26 times and then died of an overdose. The rest of the story is about what his death did to the people who loved him. We used this story to create two regional campaigns that caused hundreds of people to seek help with their addiction. Two years later, the Oregon Medical Examiner reported that heroin-related deaths declined by over fifty percent.

Comments from Customers

Since we started distributing these programs, we have had hundreds of letters, emails, and phone calls from people from all walks of life telling us the impact these programs have had.  Teachers, law enforcement, prevention specialists, parents, and many others have used these programs to help young people understand the dangers of drugs and substance abuse. Here are just a few. 

  • “We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our viewers.”  General Manager, Television Station
  • “In all groups, [viewers] had a profound impact from the film.” Program Manager, Drug Treatment  Program 
  • “Videos provided a real image of the use of drugs.” Youth Corrections Manager
  • “The information was honest and direct.” Drug Treatment Counselor
  • “Powerful impact on our communities.” Director Office of National Drug Control Policy
  • “A valuable tool in the efforts to prevent our youth from beginning a life of drug abuse.” Member of United States Congress.
  • “A powerful tool that will have a significant, positive impact on those who watch it.” First Lady, Oregon
  • ‘Extremely helpful in describing the process of addiction.” Executive Director, Chemical Dependency Program
  • “This video brings the reality of addiction home.” Coordinator, Drug and Alcohol Prevention 
  • “It showed the very real side to what happens to those who love those with abuse issues.” Drug Demand Reduction Administration
  • “Excellent job of describing the ease with which a young person can become imprisoned and then destroyed by heroin.” Chief of Police
  • This video is one of the most comprehensive, and most entertaining, that have seen on this subject.” Hospital Training Expert
  • “Provides an avenue of discussion for public education, professional training, and parent and citizen activism.” Educator, Compass Project
  • “Impressive gathering of people and information.” Email, Prevention Program
  • “A wonderful tool to help teens in our community.” Manager, Adolescent Recovery
  • “This is a video (One Family’s Battle) every family in America should watch together.” Executive Director, Education and Prevention Services
  • “The video really draws in my students’ attention.” DARE Officer
  • “They [Junior high students] thought it was the best video they had ever seen.” School  Resource Officer
  • “This video is “hardball” and puts “meth” in proper perspective.” Director, Addiction Counseling Services
  • “Message is delivered succinctly to both parents and teenagers.” Manager, Private Company
  • “Your video inspired me.” 7th Grader

They Still Work

We realize that some of these videos may be almost 20 years old, but they still have a powerful impact on viewers. That’s why we have the no-obligation 7-day trial. Show the videos to some high school kids and transform them.

This is one of the most comprehensive libraries to help educate people about the dangers of drugs and substance abuse. They are used by educators, law enforcement, drug treatment centers, medical professionals, correction facilities, churches, and parents.

We give you a seven-trial so you can judge for yourself. Better yet, play the videos for some youngsters and get their feedback. You may be surprised how well they will understand.

One of the videos, Saturday Night High has helped teach youngsters why they need to wait until their brains mature before they drink alcohol.

Try the Risk-Free Offer!

You’ve got nothing to lose and they have everything to gain. Be a leader and lead your kids to a better life.